Submit a Manuscript

About to submit a manuscript? Please make sure to check our Style Guide.

Aims and Scope

In The Review of Politics, we publish primarily articles on political theory. We also publish historical and interpretive studies of public law, comparative politics, international relations, and public policy, however; we are particularly interested in political readings of literary works. Like other journals, we would most like to publish path-breaking pieces. We are very happy, however, to accept articles that make significant contributions to ongoing debates.

Length and Abstract

The length of published manuscripts is 8,000 - 11,000 words including footnotes. All article submissions should include an abstract of 100-150 words.

Manuscript Submission and Review

To submit a manuscript for consideration please upload a Microsoft Word file via The Review of Politics  ONLINE SUBMISSION process.

Once you enter the Scholar One Manuscript Central website complete instructions will be provided. The menu will prompt the author to create an account, then log in and provide all necessary information, including the manuscript category, contact information for the corresponding author (phone number, fax number, email address), and suggested reviewers. The website will automatically acknowledge receipt of the manuscript and provide a reference number. The Editor will assign the manuscript to anonymous reviewers and every effort will be made to provide the author with a review in a timely fashion.

Authors uncomfortable with online submission may send their manuscript (under 11,000 words including footnotes) as an e-mail attachment (formatted in Microsoft Word) to

The Review of Politics
University of Notre Dame
2005 Jenkins Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556-7000 USA
(574) 631-6623 or e-mail:

Author Anonymity

Because manuscripts are evaluated anonymously they should NOT bear the author's name or institutional affiliation. Please remove all references or acknowledgments that might indicate the identity of the author.

Manuscript Preparation and Style

The Review of Politics follows the Chicago Manual of Style for standards of citation, punctuation, and other editorial considerations. ROP STYLE SHEET

Footnotes in 10 pt. Times New Roman, single-spaced, with full bibliographic information at first citation of a given work; parenthetical page references in-text for frequently cited works. No endnotes or reference lists. Consult Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., chap. 14 for the proper form of citations. Some examples:

Gabriel Kolko, The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943–1945 (New York: Random House, 1968), 123.

Thomas Nagel, “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?,” Philosophical Review 83, no. 4 (1974): 445.

Robert Bolton, “Definition and Scientific Method in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics and Generation of Animals,” in Philosophical Issues in Aristotle’s Biology, ed. Allan Gotthelf and James G. Lennnox (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 125.

Figures and Tables

Appendices, tables, and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the article and be included on separate pages appearing after the reference section. Each figure must be submitted electronically as a separate file. Electronic versions should be submitted as TIFF or EPS files at 100% of a suitable final size. Charts, graphs or other artwork should be professionally rendered and computer generated.

Copyediting and Page Proofs

The publisher reserves the right to copyedit and proofread all articles accepted for publication. Page proofs of an article for correction of typographical errors only; authors must notify the publisher or the editorial office of any changes within 72 hours of receipt of proof or approval will be assumed.

License to Publish Agreement(s)

Before publication, a License to Publish Agreement must be signed and returned to the editorial office by all authors of accepted manuscripts and book reviews.