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The Review of Politics publishes high-quality original research that advances scholarly debates in all areas of political theory. We welcome manuscripts on the history of political thought, analytical political theory, canonical political thought, contemporary political thought, comparative political thought, critical theory, or literature and political thought. 

Spring 2024
Volume 86 Issue 2


Candace Terman (Open Access) open lock icon
"Judgments of Nature”: James Wilson's Natural-Law Jurisprudence

Malik Mufti 
Nietzsche, the Muslim Falāsifa, and Leo Strauss's Avicennan Turn

Sandrine Baume (Open Access) open lock icon 
Carl Schmitt's Multifaceted Rejection of Political Compromises 
Link to Sandrine's discussion of her article.

Eoin Daly (Open Access) open lock icon
Integration Referendums as Expressions of Constituent Power: Ireland as a Case Study

A Symposium on Deva Woodly's Reckoning: Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Necessity of Social Movements

Deva R. Woodly (Open Access) open lock icon

Erica Chenoweth 
The Democratic Necessity of Reckoning 

Juliet Hooker (Open Access) open lock icon
Reckoning with the Past, Imagining the Future 

Erin R. Pineda
A Democratic Reckoning?

Andrew Dilts (Open Access) open lock icon
Cultivating Abolitionist Despair  

Elizabeth Jordie Davies (Open Access) open lock icon
On Black Radical Feminist Pragmatism 

Deva R. Woodly (Open Access) open lock icon
Author's Response