The ROP Experience

What do authors say about The ROP experience?

In response to a survey administered by CUP, recent authors scored the journal an average of 4.93 out of 5 on satisfaction with speed of editorial decision, constructive feedback, time to publication after acceptance, accuracy of and communication from production, and the publishing platform.

Other feedback from authors to the journal includes:

"I am amazed at how quickly you and the reviewers have sent back a decision – with two very detailed and helpful reviews! It is truly appreciated. RoP is clearly a very well-run journal!"

“I am particularly grateful for your fine editing and attention to the manuscript.”

“I can’t speak highly enough about the entire editorial process – even when I was informed about the delay to the initial review. I can’t remember any previous journal having the courtesy to do this … I have been singing the praises of ROP to my colleagues, PhD students, and postdocs!”

“I want to express my enormous gratitude to the Review of Politics, and to the anonymous referees, who provided such quality feedback on each of the manuscripts – even on the earliest and roughest of the drafts.”

“I deeply appreciate the constructive criticisms offered by the reviewer and I hope to reshape the manuscript accordingly. The openness of The Review of Politics in considering manuscripts from research scholars across the world is highly commendable.”

“I very much appreciate your feedback in making this a tighter and more accessible piece. This is, by far, the best editorial process I have encountered.”

"The decision is disappointing to me, of course, but I am grateful to you for having such an efficient editorial review process."

"This process has been one of the most fruitful editorial processes I've participated in in my professional career and I've got a couple of dozen publications."

"I'm also very grateful for your own editorial efforts -- I can see that significant effort and care went into these suggestions."

"I'm quite honored and grateful for all the hard work you and your referees did on my behalf."

"Many thanks again to the ROP editorial team for completing the first stage of the review process so promptly and efficiently!"

"Please accept my very great thanks for all of your efforts with my article, which go well above and beyond, in both quantity and quality, any editorial comments I have received in some time. I am very grateful!"

"Thank you for investing such considerable time and effort in the manuscript and going over it so closely in order to improve and refine it. Your personal care and efforts are much appreciated!"

"Thank you for your help and support. You made what is sometimes an onerous process easier to deal with, and it was a pleasure working with you." 

"My thanks to Ruth Abbey and three anonymous referees at Review of Politics for providing me with detailed critical commentary on this paper, which improved it significantly."

"We are also grateful to the editorial team at the Review of Politics for their professionalism and guidance."

"The review process in your journal is head and shoulders above the competition in terms of timeliness, thoroughness, and the constructive nature of comments provided. Thank you for this food for thought!"

"This is great news, thanks so much for your dedicated professionalism, hard work, and close support throughout this whole process! "

"I wanted to thank you for the care and attention that you have given my paper. In my experience, it is extremely unusual for an editor to take so much time to help authors improve their manuscripts so I am very grateful indeed."

"Thank you for your consideration of my work, and for the excellent reviews. There is a lot here for me to digest, and that is a good thing. The suggestions of the reviewers should help me improve the manuscript."

" I would like to extend thanks to you and the anonymous reviewer for your helpful comments and quick turnaround. It is greatly appreciated. I am sure they will help future versions of the manuscript."

"Thanks for your valuable suggestions and comments. Such an improvement would not have been possible without your guidance and support!"

"There’s no good way to express appreciation here without seeming obsequious, but these revisions are so good. Thank you, both for the time they took and for the chance to continue improving the draft."

"Thanks again for the chance to provide these revisions and for the care you and your team have shown throughout this process."

"These are tremendously helpful reviews, and I am very grateful to you and to the reviewers for your time and for the care with which you have read the manuscript and prepared feedback. As a junior scholar, I can't stress enough how much I appreciate receiving feedback so quickly."

"Thank you very much for the email and all the excellent work you've done during the entire editorial process. I am very grateful for that."

"I am extremely appreciative of your and the reviewer's careful reading and thoughtful (and prompt!) comments."

"Thanks again for your fantastic feedback on the previous draft!"

"Thank you so much for considering my paper for your journal. The reviewer's feedback was critical but quite fair."

"I have never felt so encouraged after receiving a rejection from a top-tier journal, despite recognizing how much work remains to be done. These things are usually a bit deflating, but the turn-around was so quick and you graciously took the time to offer excellent advice on how to turn my paper into a publishable manuscript. I am very grateful to you for that."

"I really appreciated your editing suggestions - they were excellent."

“It was the most helpful and constructive peer review process.”

"Many thanks again for all your help and care during the process."

"I also deeply appreciate your extensive editorial suggestions and substantive comments."

"Such a pleasure working with you - thank you for all of your support."

"Thank you so much for a wonderfully streamlined process!"

"Thanks again for your superb editorship."

"Thank you for the detailed and constructive reviews of my manuscript. I really appreciate the thoroughness and promptness of the reviews. Your tracked changes and feedback are particularly helpful."

"You are absolutely right that the paper is clearer, more focused, and more accessible to the reader this way. I thought it was impossible to cut it down from 14k to 12k and then to 11k. But your keen eye helped to even bring it down to 10k! I greatly appreciate your patience and help. I cannot stress that enough."

"Thank you so much for the quick turnaround. The comments are extremely helpful and I will work on the manuscript accordingly."

"Thank you for the prompt decision, and for the helpful reviewer feedback. Always a pleasure submitting to ROP."

"Thanks very much for that prompt feedback, and (again) for your own very helpful interpolations in the text. Though I'm of course disappointed in the outcome, I very much appreciate the careful attention you and your reviewers have given to the piece."

"I've been digesting the excellent comments you and the two reviewers have offered in reference to my submission. I am very grateful for the care you all took in reading my manuscript. Please know that the next, and I hope final, version of this paper will be much stronger thanks to the incisive and clear-sighted criticism I have received from the Review of Politics."

"Thank you for the timely decision as well as your thorough and meticulous comments on the draft. Although it is regrettable that I cannot publish my article in the ROP with this draft, I really appreciate your generous help, and I am confident that the quality of the article will be tremendously improved in the next draft."

"Many thanks for your email; while disappointing, I can see where the referees are coming from re the paper in its current form. Thank you also for your own feedback and suggestions for the paper - it is most kind of you to go to that extra effort."

"I am very grateful for your editorial support throughout the R&R and publication process. Your guidance was crucial in improving the article, and I learned a lot from your suggestions."

"I would also like to thank you for your meticulous editorial work! This has been a great help and has certainly made my article much better than it was initially."

"I also would like to thank you for promptly responding to my most recent round of changes—I do think the essay has grown stronger through these revisions."

"Thanks again for your help and your sharp eye with respect to the text."

"I don’t think I can ever recall getting such thoughtful, specific, and speedy feedback on an article."